About us
We are a Data Science and Machine Learning R&D company dealing with projects requiring extracting useful information and insights from available data for advancing and development in business and other spheres of life.
  • Healthcare
  • Mass Media
  • Consulting
  • Social Networks
  • Telco
  • IT
  • Transportation
  • Mining
  • Oil
Our products and demos
Easily process the longreads reading only the salient information using our Chrome extension or webapp.
Legal Wiki QA
Ask a question regarding Kazakhstani legislation and receive a short Wiki article on the subject (Russian version only). The solution can be adapted for any collection of documents from any domain.
Legal Wiki QA
Inquire us about a tailored DS solution!

Contact Us
We like to speak to our clients and share useful content. Follow us through the links below and be happy.
+7 701 909 98 91
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Karasay Batyr 126-15
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